Please use this form to apply for Soul Pathology concierge services.

Once your application is received and reviewed, we will reach out to you to schedule a discovery call to ensure this is a good fit and iron out any details. 

अपनी प्रगति को सेव करने के लिए Google में साइन इन करें. ज़्यादा जानें
ईमेल पता *
Service Description:
  • For those looking for a deep commitment and unparalleled access to utilize Amanda’s gifts to change their lives, Soul Pathology’s boutique concierge service may be the option for you
  • Employ Amanda as your psycho-spiritual consultant with this service that is uniquely tailored for each individual – personally and soulfully
  • After an initial 90-minute in-depth reading and consultation, you will work with Amanda to outline your goals and determine the cadence of your communication
  • Amanda will be on retainer for monthly readings, weekly check-ins, and on-demand access for quick answers via WhatsApp
  • Utilizing Amanda's gifts on a daily/weekly/monthly basis allows her to guide important decisions in your life, find your optimal way through blind spots, and communicate with your soul for on-demand advice to better handle personal, relational, and professional development and decision-making
  • Let Amanda be your secret weapon and guide your new path forward
Your Name: *
Date of Birth: *
What kind of support are you looking for? *
What are your goals? *
Please provide any additional information that would be helpful:
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