Monday 22nd May 2023  MANX MINDS - MHFAer® Refresher Course
Registration Form 2023 - Please note: As there are only 10 places on each course, these will be allocated on a 'first-come-first-served basis'.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full name: *
Email *
Address *
Phone number *
Employer/School/SportsClub/Organisation *
Job title/Department *
When did you complete your last MHFA 2 day course? (if you can't remember the exact dates, approximate month & year is fine) *
I am interested in the following course date: *
Other Mental Health/Wellbeing courses attended *
Other relevant information
Dietary requirements/allergies *
Payment Details: (N.B. course place cannot be confirmed until payment is received.)
Please organise payment no later than 2 weeks before the beginning of the course, 
quoting 'Your Name' as reference.
Payment by bank transfer is preferred to:
acc# 13217917 (Alison Vondy T/A Manx Minds) - sort code: 55-91-00

If that is not possible - cheques should be made payable to: “MANX MINDS”
and posted to -
Manx Minds , 1, Barrule Park, Ramsey, IM8 2BW

— Thank you.
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