LPP at OCC 2023-2024 Student Questionnaire        
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Email *
Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name
Current Cell Phone Number *
Name of Your School *
Current Grade Level *
How can LPP at OCC help you succeed
If selected "Other," please explain below

*Note (If "Other" was not selected, please respond in the field below with "N/A")
If you are dealing with challenging situations at school or at home that LPP can help with, please tell us more about what you are dealing with/struggling with (feel free to list the areas of concern) *
Identify one thing about yourself that you are proud of
Are you currently worrying about anything or stressed out about anything?
If you answered yes, please explain the cause of worry/stress
Is there anything causing you added anxiety or feelings of being overwhelmed?
If you answered yes, please explain the cause of your anxiety or feeling overwhelmed
Select at least 3 emotions that you would help explain how you are feeling  *
If you selected "Other," please explain how you're feeling

*Note (If "Other" was not selected, please respond in the field below with "N/A")
If there is other important information you would like us to know that will help us help you, please share below
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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