Publication of Bruno Laplante's Sound Recording Archives and Memoirs

We will contact you at the end of the campaign to deliver the rewards.

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Publication of Bruno Laplante's Sound Recording Archives and Memoirs
What is your name? *
What is your email adress? *
What is your city of residence? *
Some tiers for individuals include scores from the Nouveau Théâtre Musical catalog and records by Bruno Laplante.
You will eventually have a choice to make.
INDIVIDUAL: Which level did you choose?
Please refer to the table above.

*If you choose the “Other amount of your choice” option, we will deliver the nearest lower tier rewards to you.
Choose my score(s)
Enter the catalog number(s) corresponding to your choice.
Ex: NTM 1931 (Dessane)

Choose my record(s)
Enter the number(s) corresponding to your choice.
Ex: 16-1983 et 20-1991

Several tiers of rewards include sheet music. If you are not a musician yourself, we understand that this is not a relevant award for you.

Please choose from the following options:
BUSINESS: Which level did you choose?
Please refer to the table above.

*If you choose the “Other amount of your choice” option, we will deliver the nearest lower tier rewards to you.
Questions or comments
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