ARC Reader Form
Hello, and thank you for showing interest in being an Arc Reader for me. Arc readers are such a vital step for every author and I know I could not do it without all of you wonderful people reading and reviewing the words pulled from my crazy mind!

What is an ARC reader? ARC Stands for Advanced Reader Copy. You are signing up to read my book before anyone else with the hopes of you 1) enjoying it and 2) reviewing it so others can decide if they will want to read it as well. 

Thank you!
-Amber Thoma
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Have you ARC read for me before? *
If yes, please provided a link to your review(s). 
If not or you did not review please type n/a.
Which are your top three favorites of the fiction genres listed below?
I can commit to reading ARCs within:

May I quote your ARC comments on my Tiktok, website, or elsewhere for novel promotion purposes? 
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If you answer yes to the above question, provide the first/last name as you would like your feedback to appear and any TikTok username. (ex. Author Amber Thoma @author_amber_thoma)
I can commit to posting my Amazon review within:
Reviews *
Would you be interested in ARC reading for all future projects? *
Do you have any questions?
Anti-piracy oath: 
As an independent author trying to make a living telling stories, piracy can really hurt. Please respect my copyright by not sharing, copying, or in any way using this file in a manner not intended.

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