Bike Fair Survey
Bike lights are available at the event on a first come-first-serve basis to the first 300 people who have completed this survey.  Please bring the completion email to the bike fair and display it for the chance to get a free pair of bike lights. One pair per person, no exceptions.

Bike light giveaway funded by the Charleston Medical District Greenway, MUSC Health Level I Trauma, and the MUSC Wellness Center

Emails will not be shared with outside entities and will only be used occasionally to share information on future events and initiatives centered around biking, sustainability, wellness, and safety.

Learn about SC Bike Laws:
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Affiliation *
How often do you bike to campus? *
What stops you from biking to campus? (pick top two reasons) *
Why do you bike ? (pick top two reasons) *
What areas on campus are most problematic to bike in? *
Bike Repair Station
MUSC currently has a bike repair station (example above) complete with compressed air to inflate tires between the Basic Science Building and the Drug Discovery Building. How often do you use this station? *
If another bike repair station was added to campus, where would you like it to be located? *
Have you ever been in a bicycle accident? If so, what type? *
Close Calls
Have you had a close call with a motorist on bike/foot?

If so please report it on Charleston Moves' Close Call Database:

Pledge *
Sie erhalten unter der von Ihnen angegebenen E-Mail-Adresse eine Kopie Ihrer Antworten.
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