Snoozerella 2023 - Adult/Leader Expression of Interest Form
Snoozerella Discovery 2023 will be held at the Bendigo Discovery Centre. The event will run twice - first on Friday 19 May and again on Saturday 20 May. 
  Adult/Leader places at Snoozerella Discovery 2023 are very limited to allow as many youth members as possible to attend!

If you would like to attend Snoozerella 2023, please fill out this form by 11.59pm on Sunday May 14.

Adult places will be allocated once youth registrations have closed. Preference will be given to adults with youth attending from their local area.
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What is your full name (first and last name)?
What Girl Guide Unit are you from?
Why do you want to attend Snoozerella 2023?
Do you have a preference of which night you attend?
Do you have any of the following qualifications? Tick all that apply!
How long have you been an adult member of Girl Guides?
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