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Do now: attendance 5/19/2020
pls submit at the first 15 min. of the class meeting time.
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Class period (submit within class time to be marked Present).
AJS11-01 from 8:20 to 9:05
AJS11-02 from 9:09 to 9:57
AJS11-04 from 10:48 to 11:31
AJS11-07 from 1:09 to 1:52
AJS11-08 from 1:56 to 2:39
What year did the colleges start to offer Photography as art class?_____ (pg 204-205)?
Your answer
Answer to yesterday's Q: No, it was later. Photography was not accepted as a legitimate art form until the later 1900s.
By checking "YES" you are acknowledging you are responsible for the work that is assigned for this class period and you are aware that failure to complete the work can affect your grade.* *
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