Please fill out if you are come from any of this countries 
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What is your name and job title (optional)
Which company/organization/university you represent (optional)
Which state/province/territory are you from?
What are the challenges your country faces currently regarding renewable energy solutions?
What are the challenges your company faces currently regarding renewable energy solutions?

Does your country have specific regulations or laws that make investments in renewable energy solutions more attractive?

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 If yes, which one(s)?

Are there any problems or difficulties with connecting to the national grid or delivering self-generated electricity back to it? 

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If yes, what problems?

Is your company or your customers' concerned about these grid problems? 

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If yes, why? 

Are you experiencing high energy prices now or expect to experience them in the future?

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If yes, what do you regard as high energy prices?

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What is your company or customers organizations’ paying on average for their electricity (including energy taxes and levies)? 
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How much electricity does your company or your customers consume on average?

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At what price level (Euro per kWh) might your company consider switching to self-generating renewable energy? 

When it comes to renewable energy solutions, what is more important to your company or your customers? Please pick top three

Looking at the PowerNEST why would your company or customers’ organizations be interested in buying it? More than one answers is possible
Would your company or customers’ organizations be interested in investing in a PowerNEST soon (< 2 years)?
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If yes, would you like to get more information about the PowerNEST

In your country (or area), what commercial opportunities for PowerNEST do you see in the following market segment(s)?

Please share your feedback/comments/ideas/thoughts here

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