PJEAS Submissions
Thank you for submitting to the Princeton Journal of East Asian Studies! This form is for Volume XV of PJEAS.

PJEAS is a student academic journal with the official support of the East Asian Studies Program at Princeton University. We publish works of scholarship written by both undergraduate and graduate students from around the world on political, economic, social, and cultural issues pertaining to the East Asian region. PJEAS aims to foster an intellectually rigorous student discourse, while promoting an atmosphere of mutual learning and the development of leadership in these fields.

Our priority deadline is on September 30, 2021, 11:59 PM EST (North America) for students who already have papers ready for submission. Our final deadline is on October 24, 2021, 11:59 EST (North America)

For our submission guidelines, please see:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at pjeassubmissions@gmail.com.
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Given Name *
Family Name *
Email *
Preferred Pronouns (N/A if prefer not to answer) *
University Affiliation at Time of Authorship *
University Department at Time of Authorship *
Degree Pursued at Affiliated University at Time of Authorship *
Year of Graduation (Expected) *
Shipping Address *
If your article is accepted, we will mail you a copy of the volume of PJEAS in which it is published. Please provide an address that you can access at all times, including during the summer and after graduation.
Article Title *
Article Abstract *
My article has an abstract at the beginning between 150 and 200 words long.
If you answered yes to the above, please copy and paste your abstract here. If you answered no, please provide a description of your article using approximately 100 words.
Link to Article *
Please upload your article to your Google Drive, make it accessible to everyone with the link, and paste the link here.  For questions, email pjeassubmissions@gmail.com. (Note: Students submitting from mainland China may email their article directly to pjeassubmissions@gmail.com and write "Article emailed" below).
Word Count *
Please provide a word count of your article, excluding footnotes, endnotes, and bibliography.
Citation Style *
We request that you submit your article in the Chicago Style with footnotes, but will still accept articles in different formats (though the citations would have to be changed before publication if selected). For more information, visit www.chicagomanualofstyle.org.
Which region of East Asia does your article examine most closely? *
To which discipline of study does your article most contribute? (May choose more than one option) *
Обязательный вопрос
By entering your initials into the space below, you verify that you have full permission to seek publication for the article submitted in this form, and that you give the Princeton Journal of East Asian Studies full permission to publish your article if accepted. *
Please enter your initials below.
Let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
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