Parent School Climate Survey
Fallsburg Central School wants to conduct a survey to hear your opinions about your
school. The survey will ask your opinion on questions ranging from student engagement, to bullying, to
the conditions of the school building itself. Your answers will be used to improve the school experience
for your students and their teachers. Your students, and in fact all the staff in your school,
will also have the chance to voice their opinions on similar surveys.
Your school wants to hear from everyone, so your participation is very important. But it’s also
voluntary. You do not have to take the survey and you can skip any question you don’t want to answer.
Please answer the questions as best you can. If you are unsure about the meaning of a survey question, do
your best to answer it on your own. In order to maintain privacy, I will not be able to help you interpret
the meaning of questions. Similarly, you should not ask other students or look at their responses.
When you have finished the survey, please hit the submit button.
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Are you male or female? Mark one response.
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Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin? Mark one response.
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What is your race? You may mark one or more races.
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Este formulário foi criado em Roscoe Central School District. Denunciar abuso