Get Talent
We'd love to match your company with great freelance content talent! To do so, you may fill out this form, but you'll also need to register a company on our platform at:

Alternatively, you can schedule a quick call to discuss your unique content needs here: 

We will then share a list of appropriate writers for your firm and get the discussion started 👍
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Email *
What is your full name? *
What is your company's website? *
Please tell us about the kind of content you need. Try to be as detailed as possible here. *
How many stories do you plan to commission per month? *
What is the ballpark wordcount per story that you're seeking? *
What is the rate you intend to pay per assignment? (in USD) *
Please share some examples of published stories from your company (paste URLs below). *
Do you have a process for assessing whether a writer is a good fit for your company, such as writing tests and interviews? Please describe it here. *
If you have anything else to share about your ideal writer profile (eg. geography, subject-matter expertise), please share it here.
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