Virtual Applied Crystallization Workshop 2024 Survey
Thank you for attending the Virtual Applied Crystallization Workshop, hosted by the National Crystallization Center at HWI!

This survey is being emailed to workshop attendees. We appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this survey about the workshop. We will use these responses to help drive future workshops.

Note that responses are anonymous.

To say THANK YOU to users who respond to the survey, we are raffling off a National Crystallization Center mug.  Link to the raffle sign-up will be available after survey submission and separate from the survey.

We anticipate the survey will take ~5 minutes to complete, and appreciate your time.

We have also now posted the video from the Workshop to the HWI YouTube Channel:

Thank you for participating!
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Did you attend the Virtual Applied Crystallization Workshop?
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Please rate the sessions during the Workshop in terms of usefulness for your experiments:
Not Useful
Somewhat Useful
Extremely Useful
Introduction to Structural Biology
Making Macromolecular Crystals
Using the National Crystallization Center
Using MARCO Polo Software
Shipping Crystals
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Did the Workshop cover topics that you were interested in?
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If you had less interest in any of the topics covered, please list those topics here:
Are there any specific topics that would be helpful to include in future virtual workshops?
Do you (or your PI) have NIH or NSF funding?
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How likely is it that you would recommend this type of workshop to a colleague?
Not at all likely
Extremely likely
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Thank you for taking time to provide responses and feedback!  If you have any other comments, questions or suggestions, please feel free to provide them here:

Want to sign up to receive emails with upcoming reservations deadlines and updates from the National Crystallization Center?

Sign up by sending an email to with a blank subject line, then respond to the confirmation email to successfully add your email to the list. If you have any difficulties, please reach out to us at

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