Submit a clip for the ClipsSMP YouTube Channel!
Hi there! We are working hard on the ClipsSMP YouTube channel to make it enjoyable for everyone. If you think you have a funny clip, you can submit it here!
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Email *
Paste the URL (link) of the video the clip you want to see on the channel is in! *
Keep in mind that the URL you submit can not be an already existing clip. It has to be a short fragment within a video with at least one of the DreamSMP member in the time fragment!
What is the timestamp of where the clip is located in the video URL you just pasted the question above? *
For example: 0:54, or 8:26, etc.
What do you think would be a fitting title?
If you don't know a good fitting title, you can leave this option to us. It is not guaranteed that we will be using your title suggestion.
What is your name? (e.g. first name, alias, IGN, etc.)
What is the name you want us to add to the description of the video?

If you don't want to be credited, you can leave this blank.

If we forgot to put your name in the video description of a clip you submitted, please email us at from the same email you're submitting this Google Form from!
Anything you'd like to add to this submission?
This form isn't managed by anyone in the DreamSMP. By leaving a message for one of the creators of the DSMP here, they will be discarded, and they will not be seen by any of your desired creators.
Agreement *
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