It's a Book Drive!
Thank you for donating your books to us. We'd like to collect a little information from you before we set up your appointment. We respond to these requests within 2 business days. If you need a faster response, please select urgent in the last question.
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Phone number
Preferred method of contact?
Number of books you're donating (estimates are okay):
What are the three main subjects/genres of the books? And are most of them hardcover or paperbacks?
How would you like to get the books to us?
What is the condition of the books?
(Please answer honestly. In some cases, we do accept moderately or even severely damaged books.)
If you want us to pick them up: do you need help with packaging? And if so, would you like us to supply boxes, bags, or other containers?
Please give us three dates/times when you'd like us to meet, starting with your first choice. Whether you're dropping off or we're picking up, we prefer to meet after 11AM. However, we can set up earlier times with some notice.

Please note: we usually can't pick up any books between 1PM-10PM Thursday-Saturday.

Would you like your store credit as a physical gift card or a digital one (for use with our online catalog only)?
We're currently partnering with The Joy Project to supply their Little Free Library with books they choose from us. We'd also love to partner with schools, senior centers, and other groups to donate books. If you'd like to donate your store credit to an organization, please let us know below.

You can choose The Joy Project, or an organization/group you're familiar with. Please give us the organization name and the contact name and email or phone number of the person you'd like us to contact on your behalf.
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
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