ICFA 42 "Climate Change and the Anthropocene" (March 18–21, 2021) Volunteer Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering! Schedules will be distributed via email asap.

Your service will earn you complimentary registration for ICFA 42. No IAFA Bucks will be awarded for virtual conferences.

The volunteers for this ONLINE conference will host the Zoom sessions in 4-hour blocks during ICFA 42 (don't worry, training is provided).

Some further requirements:

-Managers must be members of IAFA
-Managers must have a reliable, reasonably high-speed internet connection
-Managers must have a working knowledge/basic experience with a virtual meeting platform, Zoom experience preferred
-Managers must be willing and able to attend a training session the week of Feb 22-27.
-A Zoom account is not required to be a manager

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