Flat Track Fever 2022 Volunteer Sign Up
 Flat Track Fever is looking for Volunteers in the following areas:

- Admission, Registration, Information Desk (2 people per shift)
- Dressing Room Maintenance (1 person per shift)
- Move-in (as many people as possible)
- Move-out  (as many people as possible)
- Medic with first aid training/certification (2 people per game)
- Announcer (1 or 2 per game)
- Track Maintenance (1 people per shift)

All are welcome and training will be provided.
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Full Name *
Email Address *
Mobile Phone Number *
Where are you from? City, Province/State
Derby Name (if applicable)
Are you playing in the tournament? *
If yes, what team are you playing with?
Availability *
The following are the shifts that we are looking to fill throughout the weekend.  Please provide your availability.
What is the maximum number of shifts you would like over the entire weekend? *
If you indicated that you are available for multiple shifts over the entire weekend, please choose the maximum amount of shifts you would like over the entire weekend.
What is the maximum number of shifts you would like per day? *
If you indicated that you are available for multiple shifts over multiple days, please choose the maximum amount of shifts you would like per day.
Other Comments and Feedback
Please let us know if you have any other comments, questions or concerns in the box below.
Choose which volunteer area(s) you would prefer. *
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