HCHS Lecture Series - on Zoom
Please fill out the form below to sign up for the Humboldt County Historical Society Lecture Series that will be presented on Zoom. By filling out this form, you will be included in our email list of interested participants for all HCHS lectures in the future; if you no longer wish to be on this list, please email us back and we will remove you.

Invitations for the Zoom meeting, including the password, will be sent by email before the meeting time. If you need help using Zoom, please refer to the instructional videos below that provide an explanation of how Zoom works and how to join a Zoom meeting.

If you have any questions or problems signing up, please email cbalkovek1 AT co.humboldt.ca.us.

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Let us know if you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback!
If you would like to be REMOVED from the HCHS Lecture Series email list, please click here and you will no longer receive these emails.
Is it OK to share your contact information with the Humboldt County Historical Society, so they can contact you with future events and updates?
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YouTube Video: How to Get Started with Zoom (from HSU Library)
YouTube Video: How to join a Zoom meeting (from HSU Library)
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