“Ideas and Strategies for Massage Education: COVID-19” Webinar Survey
Thank you for your interest in "Ideas and Strategies for Massage Education: COVID-19" by the Alliance for Massage Therapy Education. As discussed, we are reaching out to massage and bodywork educators to follow up. We would like feedback on the session and to get some background information about how AFMTE can help provide support to educators and schools in this challenging time.

Your participation in this survey—and your answers—are confidential. The information provided will be used to work on developing resources to meet your needs.

Thank you in advance for responding.
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School or affiliation
Role (educator, administrator, CE provider, program director, etc.)
Role (educator, administrator, CE provider, program director, etc.)
Are you an AMFTE member?
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To what other massage organizations do you currently belong? (AMTA, ABMP, etc.)
Were you able to attend the webinar "Ideas and Strategies for Massage Education: COVID-19" live on Sunday, March 15?
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If "no" to the above, why not?
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If you have watched the webinar, how would you rate the quality of information provided during the webinar?
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If you have watched the webinar, how would you rate the amount/quantity of the information provided?
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Is your school/organization/company required to move online right now?
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Does your school/organization/company already use an online learning management system?
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If you or your school already uses an online learning management system, which one(s) are you using?
What type of help are you in need of right now for your school or program?
Are there other needs for support that were not listed?
What is your level of comfort in the online teaching & learning environment?
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Anything else you would like to share with us?
Thank you for participating. We will work as quickly as possible to analyze responses and get to work to assess how we at AFMTE support the good work you do. Please breathe and stay positive. AMFTE Board of Directors, Volunteers, and Staff
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