The "Fourth English & Cross-culture Seminar" Online Application Form
2019年12月7日(土)に実施する"English & Cross-culture Seminar"の参加申し込みに関して、必要事項の記入をお願いします。また「申請を受け付けました」の確認画面で持って、受付となります。

Welcome to the online application form page for the "English & Cross-culture Seminar," scheduled on December 7th, 2019  at OIST.  For those who are interested in participation,  please fill out the form no later than November 24th. Please confirm the message " Your application has been received"  after submitting this form.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
申請者について About Applicant
Please fill out the following items with your native language.
氏名 Name (日本語表記) *
氏名のふりがな If applicable
氏名のアルファベット表記 If applicable(例 Taro Zaidan)
年齢 Age *
所属 (School info) *
中学生の参加は受付していません。We do not accept the application from a Junior high school student.
学校名 Name of School *
学年(数字のみ記入) Grade *
性別 Sex *
住所など連絡先 Contact Information
We will notify if you can participate in the seminar via air-mail, so please fill out the information accurately.
郵便番号 Zip-code (000-0000) *
住所 Address①(市町村名・丁目・番地・号など) *
住所 Address②(マンション名(寮の名称)・部屋番号等)
携帯電話番号 Cell-phone Number (000-0000-0000) *
E-mailアドレス E-mail Address *
語学力について Language Proficiency
Please tell us your language proficiency. This information will be used for grouping
直近で取得した英語検定試験 English Certificate Test You have most recently acquired *
級・得点(受検したことがない方は「なし」と記入)Grade/ Score (If you do not have any, please fill out "N/A") *
5段階でご自身の英語コミュニケーション能力を評価して下さい Evaluate your English communication skill using A to E scale. *
応募理由 Reason for applying
We will screen the submitted reason to select participants of the seminar.
セミナーを通して成し遂げたいことについて教えて下さい Please tell us the things you would like to achieve through the seminar. *
セミナーでOIST研究者やスタッフと話してみたいトピックを教えて下さい。Please tell us the topic(s) you would like to discuss with OIST researchers and staff. *
保護者についてAbout Guardian
If the applicant is younger than 20 years old, please fill out his/her guardians information. If not applicable, please fill out "N/A"
氏名 *
続柄 Relation *
緊急連絡先 Emergency Phone Number *
セミナー参加について保護者の同意を 得ていますか。Did you get agreement from your guardian to  participate in this seminar? *
当日のランチについて(ランチは持参ください)Please bring your own lunch on the day. *
■重要事項 Important Remarks

★I hereby fill out the information on this online-form correctly.
★For those who are younger than 20 years old, I hereby got an agreement from my guardian to participate in the seminar.
★For those who are younger than 20 years old, his/her guardian is responsible for picking-up.
★I hereby fully understand the purpose of this seminar/project and follow the instruction of OIHF staff.
★I will bring my own lunch  on the day.
★I will participate in the without being late. If I am late, I will contact OIHF staff in advance.
■確認事項 Confirmation
★I hereby agree to the conditions set forth in this application information and affirm that I am the person whose name and address are given on this form. Also I will give permission for the Okinawa International Exchange and Human Resources Development Foundation keep and use the personal photos and videos as well as the submitted essay in all forms (whether already published or developed hereafter), for the purpose of publicity of the Foundation.
当財団による個人情報の取り扱いについて Our Personal Information Policy
We will use personal information as necessary to conduct business for the purposes indicated at the time of acquiring personal information. We have some cases to disclose personal information to involved business parties. In this case, however, we will appropriately use the information ONLY for the purposes of the project.
重要・確認事項への同意 *
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