Open Roads Youth Advisory Board Application
A teen leadership position at Open Roads is treated like a job. We expect you to be reliable, respectful, and accountable for your actions during your time with our team.

Only complete this application if you are serious about pursing a paid teen leadership position with a hardworking team.
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Email *
Name *
First and Last Name
Age *
Date of Birth *
School *
Home Address *
Contact Phone Number *
Emergency Contact *
First and Last Name
Emergency Contact Email *
Emergency Contact Phone *
Emergency Contact Relationship *
Have you been involved with Open Roads in the past? If so, what program(s) did you participate in? (select all that apply) *
Wajib diisi
Why are you interested in being on the Open Roads Youth Advisory Board? *
Briefly tell us about some of your strengths, skills, hobbies, and interests. *
Briefly tell us about your interest or experience with bicycles and/or working with youth. *
What do you feel it means to be a leader and have a voice in your community? *
Do you have any dietary restrictions, allergies, or other medical needs that we should be aware of?
Do you have reliable transportation to and from Open Roads bike shop?
Batalkan pilihan
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