Global Charity Run & Walk application form
Your walk and run can help someone out.
Casual Exercise  x an encounter with new friends x interactions with the support destination = Charity Run&Walk

If you would like to
・work out for getting out of shape,
・contribute to society,
・meet new people,
・have fun,
・interact with friends living abroad,
this event is for you !

This is the first charity event.
Let's create heartwarming and fun events together.
Looking forward to seeing you online.

If your application has been processed, you get an invitation email mentioning an account payable. If your payment is confirmed, your participation is official.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Nickname *
Your age
Where you live *
What make you apply? *
How did you know? *
When you check the last one, If you don't mind, please let us know the name of your friend.
Attendance for the program *
All 16:00-18:00 Japan time. Attention the time differences. If you will join late or leave early, please write details.
Tell us your status of daily excersice *
Any comments?
If you have any specific things you should tell beforehand, let us know here.
Your one step will make the world better place. Thank you so much!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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