Jurnal Kusuma Lintas Media is a publication portal that manages journals:
Jurnal Media Ilmu Kesehatan (JURMEDIKES)
This journal contains scientific articles related to health sciences. This journal is used by researchers, academics, health practitioners, and students to access and share the latest knowledge and findings in the field of health sciences covering various topics such as nutrition, epidemiology, pathology, pharmacology, nutrition, public health, environmental health, medicine, nursing, and other knowledge about the world of health.
Jurnal Media Abdimas (JURMEDIMAS)
This journal contains the results of services or activities carried out by a person or group of individuals to provide benefits to society. This journal aims to disseminate the results of Community Service (PKM) which can be used as a reference or source of information for the community and other interested parties. in this journal will combine several different scientific fields or multidisciplinary sciences to solve problems or answer more complex questions.
Journal Web:
https://jurnal.kusumalintasmedia.com/index.php/index/index Through this form, we invite you to become an Editor/Reviewer Team for the E-Journal that we manage. We realize that reviewers play a big role in the quality of an article. If you are willing, please fill out this form.
We thank you for your cooperation.
Greetings Literacy,