Vedic Astrology


When you send the completed form, I will confirm its receipt via email within a maximum of 2 days. I will provide an approximate waiting time.  The consultation date on Google Meet is chosen based on astrology, so it may not always be within a few days of your submission.

Note: Currently, registrations are on hold!

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Email Address 
Name and Surname 
What is your intention? What are your expectations? 
You are interested in:
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Date [day-month-year], Time [24-hour format], Place of Birth
How do you know your birth time?
Please provide 2-3 significant events and dates, e.g., wedding November 2004, divorce December 2008, birth of a child January 2010 
Do you have younger or older siblings?
How was your birth/labor experience?
Are you interested in Vedic remedies (e.g., Hindu mantras) or should I look for remedies from a European cultural circle?
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