OHBM-Oz Webinar Series 2023-24
Tell us what you want to learn about mapping human brains...

Super short, 5-minute survey:
1. Questions for panelists upcoming webinar (optional)
2. Preferred webinar themes for 2023 (required)
3. Suggestions for invited speakers (optional)
4. Feedback on 2022 Webinars (optional)
5. Mentoring Programme for 2023 (required)
6. In-person Event for 2023 (required)
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1) Our first Webinar for 2023: "A beginners guide to starting new projects"
This will be a panel discussion on starting new projects: "Whether you are just beginning your PhD, embarking on your first year as an ECR, launching a new research project or even starting afresh in a new country, new beginnings can be tricky to navigate and can feel completely overwhelming..." more info here: <webinar registration link here>

Time: 4-5pm AEST  Date: Tuesday 28th of Feb

For this webinar, we have panelist from all career stages: a PhD student, an ECR postdoc, an MCR Fellow and a Senior lab leader.

Please write any 1) questions you have for the panel and or 2) links to resources you've found helpful on this topic below.
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