Canadian Active Consumer Lifestyle Survey
Hello to all Canadians! 💪🏀🏃

We are a group of Marketing students from the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) in Vancouver, BC, working on our capstone project. As part of our research, we’re conducting a primary market research on how people balance snacking and staying active.

We’re specifically exploring your preferences, habits, and experiences when it comes to enjoying snacks (more specifically on gummy candy) while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

Your feedback will provide valuable insights for our project. The survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete, and all responses will remain anonymous and used strictly for academic purposes.

Thank you for your time and support!

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What is your age? *
What are your pronouns? *
What city are you currently located in?  *
Which province are you currently located in? *
How important is an active lifestyle to you?  *
How do you approach balancing indulgent foods with health-conscious choices? *
How often do you participate in social events and activities (e.g., parties, game nights, community-building events etc)? *
How often do you participate in recreational activities (e.g., team sports, gym, outdoor activities, etc)? *
If you’re at a social or community event where sweet snacks are offered, how do you typically respond? *
What do you prefer snacking on after a day of fitness/activities? Select all that apply *
What is the main motivation of snacking after a sport or active activity? Please select all that apply. *
How often do you consume gummy candies?  *
In what situation would you consume gummy candy? (Select all that apply) *
When purchasing candy products, are you loyal to a specific brand? *
Where do you typically purchase snacks/candy? Please select all that apply.
Which social media platforms do you currently use? Select all the apply. *
What is the type of content that you are normally engage in while scrolling through social media? Select up to 3. *
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