Registration for MOOCs on educational dialogue
Please fill out this registration form if you are interested in participating in one of the new MOOCs on educational dialogue.

There are three separate courses, run as a series. It is recommended you take them in order:

Course 1: 'Fundamentals of Educational Dialogue', which will provide an introduction to the theory and evidence of educational dialogue.
Course 2: 'Conducting a Reflective Inquiry', for educators who want to conduct their own reflective inquiry into their practice.
Course 3: 'Supporting your Colleagues through Facilitation', for individuals who wish to take their knowledge of educational dialogue a step further to support their colleagues in developing their dialogic practices.

In addition to these three courses, an additional course will be available for those working in Islamic settings: Course 1A: Dialogue in Islamic Classrooms: Using Halaqah to Develop Shakhsiyah

If you have any questions about the courses, please email Meaghan Brugha ( or Farah Ahmed (
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