Open HDMI (Spring 2024) | Sign Up
If you would like to be added to the waitlist in the event a spot opens up, please fill out the same sign-up form below. We will be in touch when/if a spot becomes available; you will not receive a confirmation email otherwise. Thank you! Hope to see you at the event. 

March 2, 2024 | 6 - 9PM
InterAccess Gallery (950 Dupont St, Toronto ON)
Sign-up required for visual artists 
PWYC/Free for audience!

- If new to the IA 360º system, performing artists must be present to test their computer with the system before performing, sign-up times below
- A windows desktop will be provided for performing artists on-site with TouchDesigner installed, or you may bring your own
- Performance slots are approx. 15–20 minutes long, inclusive of set-up time
- Times may shift depending on number of sign-ups
- The gallery will have a table, chair, and power source available for performers
- A DJ will be present and can provide an aux line-in for audio reactivity
- Presented work is visual only - we are unable to support works with their own sound

- Signup is first come, first served, prioritizing live-rendered works. IA Programming Manager will reach out to confirm your participation and performance time. Depending on popularity & speed of the community to apply, this form may still be open after we have reached our maximum capacity, so please await your confirmation email. 

IA 360 tech specs are here

Documentation of previous Open HDMI events here and here

Reach out to with any questions! 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name and pronouns (if desired)
Artist name  (if different than your actual name!)
Description of visuals 
Laptop OS
If you are using the on-site computer, please bring any performance files on a USB drive and load these before the event starts. Otherwise, any file management during the event will be during your performance time. 
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Will you need an audio line in? 
This is provided as an 1/8 stereo aux. If bringing your own computer, please double check your audio settings beforehand as some laptops will not take audio in through the aux input. Normally, artists' microphones are able to pickup the music for kick reactions without a physical line-in. 
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Testing slot
This is required if you haven't performed and connected to IA 360º with your computer yet. Each computer and software acts a little different with IA 360º, so testing beforehand is important to make sure we run smoothly during the event.  
You're welcome to come test even if you have connected before! We will also have the on-site computer set-up.

If the following times do not work for you, please reach out to to find another time! 
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Anything else we should know?
As stated above, I understand the event is currently full and I am being added to the waitlist for visual performers. 
Thanks for your understanding! 
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