Suggestions on Academics from Employer/Industry Experts
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Name of Employer/Industry Expert:

Designation of Employer/Industry Expert

Name of the Company/Organisation:

1. Rate the outcome based curriculum design in terms of graduate profile: *

2. How well does the curriculum cater to the needs of the industry?

3. Course content caters to enhance the skill sets of graduates *

4. The curriculum is updated and relevant to employer requirements :

5. Rate the curriculum design and development as making students employable:
6. The curriculum has imparted sufficient practical knowledge to the students in performing the job at work place.
7. The curriculum has provision for training the students on usage of modern tools to solve complex engineering problems.
8. The curriculum has a component that inculcates team work and leadership qualities among the students.
9. The curriculum helps our students to learn and practice human values and professional ethics.

Any suggestions for the Improvement on curriculum:
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