SIS Trailblazers Nomination Form
Thank you for taking the time to nominate someone who has gone above & beyond for the SIS Project work!

Please complete the 3 questions below for your submission.
 Submissions are reviewed on a monthly basis.

If you need any assistance, email us at 
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YOUR name & UC San Diego email address *
Name & email address of the person you are NOMINATING *
Briefly tell us why this individual should be recognized. How has the nominee's work positively influenced the SIS Project? Feel free to include an example/share a story.
What happens next? Great question! 
The SIS Project Team will....
  1. Review submissions on a monthly basis (during the first week of each month) and select one nomination to showcase in our monthly newsletter and/or on the SIS Project website.
  2. Contact the individual nominated to get their permission to publish in our newsletter and/or our website. 
  3. Notify the nominator (that's you) on the status of the nomination. Note that depending on your submission date, this may be 1-4 weeks after your submission.
  4. Showcase the nomination in our monthly newsletter (sent the last Thursday of each month). Make sure to subscribe to the SIS Newsletter to see the announcement when it goes live. 
For publishing purposes, please select the statement that matches your preference.  *
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