REGISTER | Looking to the future: Reimagining medical support in long-term care and assisted living

December 5, 2023

12 to 1 p.m.

LR Wilson Building, Room 1003, McMaster University

Register to attend this academic seminar with Dr. Paul Katz, Professor, Department of Geriatrics at Florida State University. Dr Katz will discuss the changing landscape of long-term care and assisted living, the medical provider workforce and implications for quality of care across congregate settings for older adults.

The event will be moderated by McMaster's Dr. Andrew Costa, Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Integrated Care for Seniors and a Schlegel Research Chair in Clinical Epidemiology & Aging.

Trainee registrants will be given the option to register to stay after the talk for an IN-PERSON workshop from 1 to 2 p.m., called Planning, Publishing & Pickup: Advice on promoting your research, where Katz will share insights as the co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA).

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