Trisectors Workshop 2024 Application
Apply by April 8th, 2024 to receive priority consideration
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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Affiliation *
What is your current status? *
Describe your research interests and their connections to 4-manifold trisections and knotted surfaces in dimension four. *
Submit a problem or question you hope will be addressed during the workshop.  Feel free to be as specific or as vague as you'd like.  We may ask you to present your submitted problem during the problem session. *
Are you interested in giving a 5 minute lightning talk?  If yes, please provide a title below.
For graduate student and postdoc applicants, enter the name and email of someone who is willing to submit a recommendation letter on your behalf.  We may use this information to request such a letter via email.
Are you requesting travel/lodging funding for the workshop? *
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