CEETL Discussion Circle: Tuesday, September 27 10-11am (LIB 242)
Topic: Balance: Preserving Yourself & Setting Boundaries
With Kim Nguyen (Health Promotion & Wellness)

Come by this session to discuss and share ideas about taking care of ourselves at work. As we become more in-person on campus, we should be mindful about our work and life balance and setting boundaries to help maintain our energy. We will discuss different forms of self-care, what setting boundaries looks like, and explore ways we can support each other during this time.

Will there be a stipend for participating? Not at this time. Discussion Circles are not eligible for stipends. Stipends for faculty participation in CEETL offerings were made possible through one-time, emergency federal funding (CARES and HEERF) for COVID-19. This funding source has concluded as of 4/25/22.

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