InnovaCeption Questionnaire for Productivity Change & Burnout Prevention


I'm glad you're willing to change things for yourself!  You're about to complete a short questionnaire to see the "big picture" at this point and to track what is diminishing your personal effectiveness and productivity and how to regain your sense of creativity, innovation and balance.

There is no right or wrong way to share thoughts, feelings & events, so go for impulsive and authentic presentation - share your associations freely.

All your responses are confidential and you are in a safe environment with me. Please, tell me what your concerns and excitements are. You can also consider whether you need one-off advice or more long-term support, and at the end of the document you will find a range of solutions for your transformation plan.

If there are any questions you can't or don't want to answer for any reason, don't bother passing them on - just put a sign, letter or number in the box.

Please let me know here if I can be of any further assistance, or send me an email at

Don't lose your confidence and believe in your potential!
I am here for you!
See you soon!

Julika Novkova, PhD 
Business psychologist, organizational consultant and executive trainer
Founder of Juls'

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Email *
Check your inbox  for my reply (check the SPAM folder as well). I will see you soon!
Your Name? *
At what stage of life do I find you?
What will be the transformation you are looking for?
What are your main difficulties now?
What do you think you are lacking to be able to achieve your goals?
How does the current situation affect your personal life and work?
Do you have someone with whom you can freely share your dark thoughts and difficult emotions?
What do you not have enough time for personally and professionally?
What aspects would you like to improve in your life/career? *
What aspects would you like to let go in your life/career? *
Do you feel like you don't have enough time/knowledge/skills? *
(Please, explain why you can't overcome that feeling)
What do you think is preventing you from achieving your goals? *
What are your top priority professional goals (list at least 3 goals, please)? *
What are your top priority personal goals  (list at least 3 goals, please)? *
Explore InnovaCeption's available transformation plans and choose the one best suited to your needs, time, resources, energy levels, limitations, desires and goals. Feel free to discuss some plan customization with me (Check the "Choose Your Own" box).
Choose Your InnovaCeption Transformation Plan *
If you are currently experiencing financial difficulties, would you like to take advantage of a 20% discount (Offered once for the Talk to Me plan, no questions asked! If you are on maternity leave, you are entitled to a 50% discount) *
Which time range is most convenient for the meeting?  /Remember my time zone: Eastern European Time (EET; UTC+02:00)/.
Choose your preferred payment method:
Would you like to share something else before the start of the session?
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