Before filling out the application, please read carefully:
To obtain a permit to vend at Forest Fest vendors must provide the following:
- A completed food vendor application
- A certificate of insurance with $1,000,000 minimum general liability naming Louisville Metro Government as additional insured.
- Tax identification number
- Be in good standing with the Metro Revenue Commission and Kentucky Revenue Commission and provide a current revenue commission number
- A copy of Health Department Permit
- Signed vendor contract
Set-up Dates and Hours: Friday, May 16 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 17 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
For Friday set-up, schedule your check-in time by calling (502) 366-2913 before Thursday, May 15th. On Saturday, please check with Forest Staff. All set up should be complete before 11 a.m. Saturday May 17. Overnight security will be provided, but please make sure any food and paper products are raccoon-proof if you are setting up Friday night!
Additional Requirements:1. All food vendors must have a working fire extinguisher in their booth. If you are using a grill, open flame, deep fryer, or product that produces grease, you must have a Type K fire extinguisher in your booth.
2. Water hook ups are not available. You must bring your own stored water.
3. Vendors must provide their own 100' of 14 gauge outdoor extension cord.
4. Access to the area will be through the Horine Reservation gate, off of Holsclaw Hill Road.
5. We will try to accommodate everyone with the number of tables, chairs, and electrical outlets requested. It is first come, first serve.
6. Port o'lets (including handicapped units) are located approx. 250 feet away from the exhibit site.
7. You are welcome to bring your own cooler and non-alcoholic beverages.
8. All exhibitors must abide by the Jefferson Memorial Forest Participation Guidelines.
9. You are responsible for collecting and securing all monies.
10. Crafters and Vendors are required to stay open for the entire length of the event.
Once your application is received and reviewed you will receive an email confirming your spot at Forest Fest. Application alone does NOT secure your spot. If you have questions please reach out to Cimara Dunn at (502)262-6793 or email