Teacher-of-the-Month Recommendation Form

Each month, we will recognize a different staff member based on her/his contributions to the school, excellence in the classroom, leadership abilities, citizenship, community involvement and a variety of other criteria. A staff member is eligible to be awarded the title only one time per school year.

Staff will be nominated and selected based on the following criteria: 

1. Excellence in the Classroom or in Her/His Job - consistently advancing students to higher success levels of academic or social achievement or creating an environment of excellence. 

2. Motivation - having the ability to motivate and encourage students to advance past their expectations both academically and socially. 

3. Leadership - serving as a leader not only in their workspace, but also throughout the school. (i.e.-Additional duties assumed)

4. Community Service - demonstrating the importance of civic responsibility by being active in community or other service organizations. 

5. Creativity and Imagination - demonstrating creativity and imagination in their work that inspire students to succeed/learn. 

6. Identified instances of going the extra step.

Deadline for Submission is the 25th of each month.  If the 25th falls on a weekend, then the following Monday will be used. November nominations will be submitted on November 28th. December’s nominations will be submitted on December 15th.

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Person Nominating Name: *
Phone Number:
Email Address:

Who are you?   Please select the term that best describes you.

Two employees, one from 5th and 6th and the other from 7th and 8th per month will be selected.  Nominations should be based on outstanding behavior exhibited in the following areas listed below.  Nominations of employees not selected each month will be carried over for future monthly judging.

Nominee's Name:


Select the areas that you feel are exemplified by your nominee: 


In your nomination, cite specific examples that describe how this nominee goes beyond the requirements of their position in these areas.

Please contact letitia.ruffinjohnso@elmoreco.com if you have any questions. 

Deadline for Submission is the 25th of each month.  If the 25th falls on a weekend, then the following Monday will be used. November nominations will be submitted on November 28th. December’s nominations will be submitted on December 15th.

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