Each month, we will recognize a different staff member based on her/his contributions to the school, excellence in the classroom, leadership abilities, citizenship, community involvement and a variety of other criteria. A staff member is eligible to be awarded the title only one time per school year.
Staff will be nominated and selected based on the following criteria:
1. Excellence in the Classroom or in Her/His Job - consistently advancing students to higher success levels of academic or social achievement or creating an environment of excellence.
2. Motivation - having the ability to motivate and encourage students to advance past their expectations both academically and socially.
3. Leadership - serving as a leader not only in their workspace, but also throughout the school. (i.e.-Additional duties assumed)
4. Community Service - demonstrating the importance of civic responsibility by being active in community or other service organizations.
5. Creativity and Imagination - demonstrating creativity and imagination in their work that inspire students to succeed/learn.
6. Identified instances of going the extra step.
Deadline for Submission is the 25th of each month. If the 25th falls on a weekend, then the following Monday will be used. November nominations will be submitted on November 28th. December’s nominations will be submitted on December 15th.