Los Angeles Collegiate Invitational (09/17/2022)
The Los Angeles Collegiate Invitational (LACI) will be the largest in-person intercollegiate chess tournament in California since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a joint collaboration between CSU Northridge and UCLA who will host the event on their campus, LACI will be held in partnership with all member colleges of the California Intercollegiate Chess League (CICL). You can read the full TLA for the event below. There will be a mandatory $20 entry fee in order to ensure expenses ensure a prize pool for participants. You can pay cash only at the event.

FULL TLA/Info:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QRINaBu0_9m5S5ABF6N6-A-orU8P9DQCYhwVt-YAvjI/edit?usp=sharing
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Choose your section. If you have an official/unofficial rating under 1400 or have no chess rating, you are eligible to play in U1400. Any player can choose to play in the Open Section where the Top 4 Scorers will comprise the team score for each college. If your college has relatively few participants, it is highly encouraged to join the Open Section.
What is your estimated rating? Note: If you have a USCF or FIDE, you must disclose your official Rating/ID. If you only have an unofficial rating from Chess.com, Lichess, or ICC then you can specify whichever rating you feel best reflects your skill level. If you don't have any official/unofficial chess rating, simply respond "Unrated".
Check all the following metrics where you possess a rating. *
If you would like to be assigned a half-point bye and arrive late to the tournament, you may select which rounds in advance (Limit: 2). If you do not arrive for subsequent rounds, you will be dropped from the tournament.
Please provide your institutional (.EDU) e-mail to verify status with your selected college/university. If you are eligible under an exempted category (i.e. incoming student), simply type "Spoke with Team Captain / CICL Rep". *
If you have a USCF or FIDE, you MUST also disclose your 8-Digit Membership ID.
To participate in this tournament, you must be a current or incoming student, alumni, or faculty/staff from any college/university. We may reach out to you directly to verify status. Detailed eligibility criteria are listed: https://bit.ly/2VyXnJz *
What college/university are you currently attending or affiliated? *
Full Name *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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