Application for Coaching
Please Provide some additional information prior to a 1:1 connection with our team. Any information that you provide will help us to better understand your goals, needs, and desires as you get ready to launch into this next chapter of your life.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
What is your Full Legal Name? *
How do you prefer we address you? (nickname, chosen name, if different than legal name). *
What is your Phone Number? (one that I can text you at) *
Where are you Currently Located? (City, State, Country) *
If you live outside the USA, please provide a WhatsApp Number, Signal account, or Telegram Handle
Please provide any Social Media Links or Handles (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc.). We like to get an idea of how you show up online, as well as share your passion/work.
What kind of work do you dedicate yourself to? *
What is your reason for applying to work with Crystal Armstrong? *
What is the Biggest challenge you are facing right now? *
Do you have a Vision of where you want to be in 1 Year?  If so, please provide a short description below.
Do you have a Vision of where you want to be in 10 Years?  If so, please provide a short description below.
What is your Age Range?
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How did you find Crys Armstrong? *
Are you currently employed? *
What is your current monthly income range before expenses? This can include salary, business income, or other non-business sources. *
Have you ever dealt with addictive behaviors? (alcohol, drug consumption, pornography, gambling, sex, compulsive lying, etc.) Please specify and identify if anything is a current or past issue. 
This information is confidential and will only be used for this assessment, and for future coaching if accepted into one of our programs.
Are you currently taking SSRI, MAOI, or other medications for depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc.? *
Are you currently taking any recreation drugs, alcohol, or psychedelics? Please provide details for anything you are taking. 
This information is confidential and will only be used for this assessment, and for future coaching if accepted into one of our programs.
Are you currently dealing with any of the following: *
Are you currently seeing a Licensed Professional (Therapist, Clinician, etc.) to resolve the issues you are dealing with? (If Yes, I will require a written referral from your Licensed Professional) *
Are you open to your Life changing? Are you willing to do anything to get there? (in alignment with your personal values, of course) *
What Level of Support are you Desiring? *
This process requires an investment of your time and effort. This may change from week to week, however you can anticipate to invest roughly 2-5 hours of time per week between meetings, communication with your coach, and individual tasking. 

Are you able to and willing to commit to this level of time and effort?
This process will also require a financial commitment. We offer a few different types of packages that can be customized to your needs.

At what level are you currently able and willing to invest in yourself?
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