2020 Sustainability Champion Awards Nomination Form - Due April 17th
The Sustainability Champion Award honors individuals whose practices have deepened a culture of sustainability on campus, have furthered the integration of sustainability into academics or student life, and/or reduced HSU’s environmental footprint.

The award is open to students, staff, and faculty who work to advance sustainability on campus, and who have had a significant impact on the programs and processes that reduce the university’s footprint, engage the campus community, and enhance the core value of sustainability in daily actions. This individual exemplifies innovative solutions that encourage cooperation and partnership, and that seamlessly integrate sustainability into the campus culture. The award is restricted to staff, students and faculty; individuals may nominate themselves. Any student is eligible; however, those faculty and staff members with sustainability in their job title, or as an obligatory aspect of their job, are not eligible for the award.

An Award Selection Committee will choose up to three candidates from its pool of nominations who embody the spirit of innovation, collaboration, and leadership as they work to establish solutions to the sustainability challenges facing the campus and society. Winners will be selected and notified on Earth Day (Wednesday, April 22).  Each Sustainability Champion will receive:
Sustainability Champion Award trophy (to be delivered or mailed to each awardee)
Feature profile in campus announcements and articles

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Your Name: *
Your Email Address: *
Your Phone Number: *
I am a: *
Title (or major, if applicable):
Your Relationship to Nominee: *
Nominee's Name: *
Nominee's Email Address: *
Nominee's Phone Number: *
Nominee's Title (or major, if applicable):
Please describe any projects, programs, campaigns or initiatives that the nominee has developed, led, or effectively reoriented that exemplify the interrelationship of social justice, economic equity, and environmental protection.  Please specify aspects of the effort that are unique and that make the nominee stand out. Also, if applicable, please describe any metrics (e.g., reduction in energy, water or waste consumption, number of people reached) achieved as a result.   (500 words max) *
Please describe how the nominee has helped to advance sustainability in ways that engage the broader campus community and are in excess of job or course requirements: (350 words max) *
Please describe how the nominee has demonstrated leadership to inspire others to action: *
Anything else you want to add about the nominee?
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