"Golden Years Ahead: Retirement Planning Survey 🌟" (Surveyswap)
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Name *
Age *
Phone number *
Email *
Occupation *
Marital status *
Household income *
Have you started planning for your retirement?  *

Do you exactly/approximately know how much money will you require after your retirement?
If yes, then how much? *

What savings and investment options are you currently using for retirement planning?/ Primary source of income post retirement
What does your retirement plan include? *
If you have accounted for inflation, how did you do so *
which of the following challenges are key in retirement planning? *
Do you have any chronic illness *
How do you plan to handle unexpected expenses post retirement? *
Bucket list (Select at least 3 important things you need when you retire) *

Would you be open to a follow-up discussion to explore your retirement planning in more detail and are you interested in receiving professional assistance for your retirement planning?
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