2020-2021 ATX Invitational Interest Form
We will be sending 1 team of 15 members (plus alternates) to ATX, an invitational held by UT Austin. The invitational will take place virtually on Friday, October 23-Saturday, October 24. You can find more information about the tournament here: https://www.atxscioly.org/tournament-info.

Since we can only take 1 team, and tryouts won't be complete by then, the roster will be made of students with past experience on the team. Please indicate the number of previous years you've participated in HHS Scioly and whether you are interested in competing in this tournament.
メールアドレス *
Last Name *
First Name *
Grade Level *
Years of Previous Experience in HHS Scioly *
Are you interested in competing in the ATX invitational? *
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