Application form - Online International conference
Advanced Nursing Practice:
International Experiences and Future Direction for Nursing in Slovenia

University of Maribor Faculty of Health Sciences (UM FHS) is organizing first conference on Advanced Nursing Practice that will take place on 18th February 2021 via platform MS Teams.

First international Advanced Nursing Practice conference in Slovenia will bring world leading academic scholars to exchange and share their experiences on Advance Nursing Practice (ANP) education and practice. Special emphasis will be put on presentation of competencies, roles and scope of practice.

Aim of our conference is to bring ANP education and especially the nature of ANP practice closer to an academic and clinical environment as well to decision making bodies in government and other professional groups in Slovenia. Numerous studies have shown that advanced practice nurses can provide quality patient care by role extension or expansion, contribute to efficacy, cost efficiency, patient satisfaction, reduced (re)hospitalizations, and reduced mortality.

Experts from countries where ANP is well established and experts from countries where ANP is in the beginning stages of development will participate in round table discussion. They will discuss the newly developed model for ANP education and new study fields on chronic illness, mental health, and the treatment of the elderly, which was developed by UM FHS, based on international guidelines and examples of good practice. Conclusions of the round table discussion will bring future direction for development of ANP in Slovenia.

The importance of the conference was recognized by the Nurses and Midwifes Association of Slovenia, the National Institute of Public Health and the Municipality of Maribor and are therefore the Honorary Patronage of the event.

We are very excited for having esteemed speakers at our event and learn from their expertise and invaluable experience.
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