Application for a test rewrite
If you did not pass a test and would like another chance, you must fill out this application at least 48 hours before the catchup afternoon! Also, at least 48 hours before the catchup, you must show me that you have completed all assigned work that would help you practice the material that is being assessed. i.e.: completed cahier, Supersite, worksheets etc...
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Which class are you in? *
What is the initial of your last name? (Ex: Romain would be 'R') *
What is your first name? *
What is your email address at which I can best contact you? *
Which test is it that you would like to rewrite? *
How did you prepare for the first test? *
After not passing the test, what have you done differently to prepare to rewrite it? (Justify why you should be able to rewrite this test) *
Have you come to see me for help? *
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