Discovery Test

This test is designed to help individuals uncover their potential by exploring various roles they may be suited for. Through a series of open-ended questions, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their skills, interests, and experiences.

Upon completion of the test, participants will receive a personalized evaluation via email, highlighting potential roles based on their asnwers that align with their strengths and aspirations. Take the first step towards discovering your true potential today with the Discovery Test!

Email *
Full Name *
Date of Birth
What is your current role? (if applicable)
What is the reason for Career Change?
Do you have a desired Profession?
Quiz Questions
Please answer below questions as per your own experience/knowledge. 
If you can't asnwer any question, just type N/A.
If you could program a robot to perform any task, what, how and why it would function? *
Imagine you're a detective solving a mystery. How would you piece together clues, and information collected to crack the case? *
Think of a time when you had to explain a complex concept to someone with little knowledge of the subject. How did you make it understandable? *
If you could design the interface for a time-traveling device, what elements would you include to make it intuitive for users of all ages and backgrounds? *
If you could apply artificial intelligence to solve any global challenge (e.g., climate change, poverty, etc.), what problem would you address, and how would you use data to tackle it? *
Think of a time when you had to analyze a complex problem or situation. How did you break it down into manageable parts, and what solutions did you propose? *
If you were a captain navigating a ship through treacherous waters, how would you lead your crew to safely reach their destination on time and within budget? *
Imagine you're an explorer charting unexplored territory. What discoveries would you hope to make, and how would they advance our understanding of the world? *
Imagine you're a coach training a team for a championship game. How would you motivate and empower the team to perform at their best and achieve victory? *
Imagine you're an artist sculpting a masterpiece from a block of marble. What elements would you carve out to create a product that delights and inspires its users? *
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