Post Civ ARC Reader Application
Thank you so much for your interest in being an advance reader for my new post-apocalyptic climate novel Post Civ, which releases on September 14, 2024! 

As an indie author, I need help generating interest through early reviews for my books before they go on sale. If you are willing to read my novel and then post a short review online (Amazon, Goodreads, Kobo, social media, etc.) by September 14, 2024, I will send you a free digital version for you to read well before the release date. 

This process is a little bit like speed dating in that we need to be a match for one another. That's why I've created this application form - to get to know a little about you and your reading preferences while you get to know me. I'm hoping to build an ARC (Advanced Reading Copy) team for Post Civ but also for my future books. 

Thank you so much and I look forward to working with you! 

A little about Post Civ

Post-apocalyptic climate fiction with a feminist introspective focus, Post Civ imagines a better, fairer world in microcosm after our current North American civilization is destroyed through unsustainable income inequality, racism, sexism, and nationalism, alongside a host of climate events including tsunamis, pandemics, tornadoes, and forest fires. 

Twelve survivors who have lost everything make their way to a mysteriously inhabitable island near what used to be Vancouver, where they struggle to survive, heal from their trauma, and begin to rebuild. Some are determined to build a fairer, more equitable world, while others would prefer to resurrect old hierarchical models of government, capitalism, and religion. 

Written in the minimalist style of Omar El Akkad’s What Strange Paradise with the emotional depth of Ann Napolitano’s Hello BeautifulPost Civ is ultimately about hope – examining what might be possible beyond our current flawed corporate systems and patriarchal hierarchies.

For more on Post Civ, please see

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Email *
Name *
What genre do you usually read?  *
How long does it normally take you to read a book that's around 300 pages?  *
Let's dream for a moment. What are some elements you think would contribute to a better, fairer, kinder world than the one we live in now? What sort of changes could we make to create the kind of society we could all flourish and thrive in? (These are some of the key themes in the novel.) *
Are there any content warning areas that you won't read? If so, please let me know what they are. I'm happy to provide a content warning list before adding you to the ARC team for this book, and I completely understand if there's anything on that list that feels too traumatic for you to read. 
Ebook preference *
Email where you'd like your book to be sent *
Do you agree to post a short review on at least one of the following sites by September 14, 2024: Amazon, Kobo, and/or Goodreads?  *
Would you be willing to share your review and/or a photo or graphic of Post Civ on your social media accounts to help with the launch of the book? (Author can supply, if needed) *
Would you be willing to request that your local library system add Post Civ to their collection? And a short review through any library is deeply appreciated as well as Ruby Finch Books prioritizes public libraries!  *
Do you agree NOT to pass along the ARC you are given without the author's permission?  *
Would you like to be added as an ARC team reader for all of Julianne Harvey's upcoming book releases?  *
Is there anything else you'd like me to know? (i.e. you have a book blog, you review on Instagram, you'd like to pass this along to others who might be interested, etc.)
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