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Order Request
After you fill out this order request, we will contact you to discuss payment before the order is completed. If you have any questions, please contact us at
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* Indicates required question
Are you a new or existing customer?
I am a new customer
I am an existing customer
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What is the item you would like to order?
Hangul flash card ($1)
Alphabet flash card, manuscript ($1)
Alphabet flash card, cursive ($1)
Alphabet flash card, manuscript AND cursive ($2)
I would like a physical copy. Shipping will be $2.
These will be at an additional cost. Print +2 each. Laminate +2. Cut +2. Print back design +$1
HANGUL flash card
These will be at an additional cost. Just print +2 each. Laminate +2. Cut +2
Print +$2
Laminate +$2
Cut +$2
Print back design +$1
Alphabet MANUSCRIPT flash card
These will be at an additional cost. Just print +2 each. Laminate +2. Cut +2
Print +$2
Laminate +$2
Cut +$2
Print back design +$1
Alphabet CURSIVE flash card
These will be at an additional cost. Just print +2 each. Laminate +2. Cut +2
Print +$2
Laminate +$2
Cut +$2
Print back design +$1
Contact info
Your name
Your answer
Phone number (optional)
Your answer
Your answer
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Preferred payment method
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