All School Actor Auditions
Hello! This is your first step in applying to audition for the all school musical for 2020-2021. THANK YOU! We are so excited to see your passion for story telling and musical theatre.

You MUST sign up for BOTH a Vocal Audition AND a Dance Audition no matter what type of role you are interested in.

If you have to cancel a time slot please contact Mrs. Hann and if you sign up for two time slots the later one will be canceled for you.

Please choose one of these songs to sing at your audition:

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Personal Information
Name *
Grade in 2020-2021 *
Major *
Email *
What song selection are you singing? *
The song that suits your range the best and the character you see yourself best portraying
Vocal Audition
You must choose ONE audition time either Monday or Tuesday for your vocal audition. Please chose the EARLIEST audition time that is available.
March 16 Monday: Choose a time for your audition
- You may ONLY sign up for Monday or Tuesday. Please sign up for the earliest available time.
IF YOU SIGNED UP on MONDAY, please skip the next question and go to the DANCE audition sign up. PLEASE write down your times that you signed up for before pushing submit.
March 17- Tuesday: Choose a time for your audition
- You may ONLY sign up for Monday or Tuesday. Please sign up for the earliest available time.
Dance Audition
You must choose one audition time either Monday or Tuesday. These will be in groups of 20.

Check the All School Musical webpage for the link to the choreography videos.  Make sure to wear clothes you can move in easily and bring tap shoes IF you have them (they are not required)
DANCE Audition - Monday
You must sign up for ONE time slot (there are 20 in each time slot) on EITHER Monday or Tuesday NOT BOTH.
DANCE Audition - Tuesday
You must sign up for ONE time slot (there are 20 in each time slot) on EITHER Monday or Tuesday. NOT BOTH.
Please make sure you you've done the Actor's Audition form as well.
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