Throw Dat Dirt Event Vendor Questionnaire
Thank you for your interest in vending at the Throw Dat Dirt "Uptown Baton Rouge Ride & Slide - Music in the Park" event to be held March 30th 2025 at 11890 Gibbens Road in Baton Rouge, LA.  We are looking for vendors with excellent customer service and great products.  To ensure we don't have multiple vendors selling the same items we need this questionnaire filled out.  If accepted for this event an invoice or payment link will be sent to the contact information listed on this form.  The food vendor fee is $50.00 and all other vendor fees are $40.00.  Deadline for submission is March 15th  2025.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact us via email at  

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Email *
Contact Person Name *
Business Name *
Contact Phone Number *
Email Address *
Vendor Type *
What goods and  services or type of food do you offer? *
Do you offer any vegetarian and kosher (pork free) options  *
Do you have tent and tables for set up? *
Do you need electricity? *
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