Order Request
This does not book your order.

Please allow 24-48 hours for me to contact you after submitting this form.
Once your order is confirmed a deposit will be required in order to secure your order date.

Orders require at least 2 weeks notice. 7 day notices may be accepted with an additional rush fee. If you need it sooner, please inquire about last minute cake options.

No orders are held in my calendar without a deposit. 
No refunds are given on orders cancelled after the 1 week deadline.

Submitting this form does NOT book your order. An order is only booked when the invoice deposit is paid.
For questions, please email lenise@buttercreamboss.com or contact (678) 607-5888
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Email *
Are you a new or existing customer?
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Your name (First and Last) *
Phone number *
E-mail *
What day would you like to pick up your order?
Number of expected guests? 
(This is to determine the perfect size cake for your event)
Which item(s) are you requesting?
Event Type: Please include what event your cake and/or dessert inquiry is for. 
Ex. Wedding, Birthday Party, Baby Shower, Etc.
Decorations: Please describe the overall theme/color scheme of your event and ideas you have. Please email any inspiration photos to lenise@buttercreamboss.com
Questions and comments
How did you hear about Buttercream Boss?
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