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Are you interested in our efforts to implement and pilot ALUM water treatment in the Baltic countries? Join us and let's work together to combat historical phosphorous pollution and clean our lakes!

TRUST ALUM project tackles one of the greatest challenges to water management in the Baltic Sea Region – eutrophication, but more specifically historical phosphorous loads in lakes. If not addressed, phosphorous hot spots will continue to eutrophicate the Baltic Sea. We will build trust for the ALUM water treatment method to expand its application to the Baltic countries and beyond. By that, we will combat eutrophication hot spots rapidly and cost-effectively by providing long-lasting positive effects on lakes. The project is funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. 

Twice a year, we will send out newsletters to inform about project progress. If you want to know what's happening and join our events, make sure to sign up. 
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The project TRUST ALUM helps public authorities in the Baltic countries make better use of ALUM water treatment and improve water quality in lakes
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This form collects personal information with the purpose of promoting, disseminating, and communicating information regarding the TRUST ALUM project and topically related activities and events. If at any time you wish to unsubscribe or contact us directly, please email your request to inga.retike@lhei.lv (project communication manager).
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